जलवायु अनुसंधान एवं सेवाएं, पुणे   |
भारत मौसम विज्ञान विभाग   |
पृथ्वी विज्ञान मंत्रालय  |
भारत सरकार  |
  India Meteorological Department
  Ministry of Earth Sciences
  Government of India

General information for Visitors

Send a written request addressed to: -
    The Head, Climate Research and Services,
    India Meteorological Department,
    Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005
    Fax No :020-25535435
E-mail address: -
By Hand:-
    Mr. SUDEEP KUMAR B L, Scientist 'C'
    Ph No. 020-25572279 / Mob. 8891268648
    Upper Air Section, The Head, CRS
    Mr. S. H. SANGALE, Met-'A'
    Ph No. 020-25572242 / Mob. 9657850551
    SSP Section, The Head, CRS
Permission may be granted to visit IMD, Pune for
  •     Students in a School/College
  •     Research fellows, Teachers
  •     Private and other institutions
Your request should contain the following points:
  1.      Standard of the students
  2.      Number of students
  3.      Proposed date and time of visit
  4.      Your postal address
  5.      E-mail ID
  6.      Name of the contact person with phone number
Note: -

       Request should be received in this office 15 days before the proposed date of visit. Permission letter will be sent by e-mail to the party after approval of the programme of visit by competent authority. IMD will remain open to all on 28th February (National Science Day) and 23rd March (World Meteorological Day) every year. No prior permission is required. Office remains closed on every Saturday, Sunday and government holidays.


Scientist 'C'

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आज का हिंदी शब्द
Breeze - समीर

Contact Us
Contact Us
Head, Climate Research & Services,
India Meteorological Department,
Shivajinagar, Pune-411 005
TELEPHONE : 020-25535877
FAX : 091- 020- 25535435
@ClimateImd @Hosalikar_KS
@ClimateImd @Hosalikar_KS

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Visitors since
1st January, 2023
  • 2
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  • 9

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