Indian Meteorological Society
Pune Chapter

The Indian Meteorological Society, Pune Chapter (IMSP) is functioning at Pune for fulfilling the objectives of the Society.

IMSP is one of the largest and active chapters in the country. The society has enrolled about 200 Life members and more than 150 Annual members. The members are actively associated with India Meteorological Department (IMD), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), various departments of University of Pune and other institutions. Even after retirement, the IMSP is the most important platform for the meteorological stalwarts to forward their experience and science to the young ones. There is no restriction for being a member of the society to be associated with any institution. Any person who is interested in the subject of weather and willing to contribute towards the objectives of the society can become a member.

In order to keep a pace with time-to-time developments in the field of Meteorology, the Chapter organizes a sizeable number of popular lectures by eminent meteorologists from India and abroad, and efforts are being made to enhance this activity by taking advantage of having numerous eminent meteorologists in the Pune city. The lectures are arranged mainly at Varahmihira Hall of IITM and at the auditorium of the Central Training Institute of IMD. The information is circulated widely by e-mails, circulars to institutions, postal mails to retired officials and personally. The information is made available as and when it is confirmed' on the 'forthcoming events' of this site. Besides the on-going activities, more thematic programs focusing popularization of the field of Meteorology among the general public and basic academic institutions like schools and colleges etc. are being planned.

As regular activity IMSP conducts one day MONSOON WORKSHOP every year. The behaviour and peculiarity of the monsoon season is discussed thoroughly during the workshop. The workshop also provides meteorologists working in the operational service and research an opportunity to present various features of the monsoon in their varied point of view. In addition the weather scientists share their views and knowledge on the changing trends in the monsoon activity and its implications on the various issues related to the climate change.

IMSP brings out 'Bulletin of IMSP', a quarterly news letter, where meteorologists and research scientist contributes their study to be shared among the members and the society. The articles published in these bulletins, besides being interesting and informative, provide excellent guidance and directives to the upcoming researchers in the ever-expanding field of meteorology.